The Pink Garden

So yesterday Shayley and I went garden center hopping and he very patiently sits in the cart or walks along thorugh all the isles with me. All of a sudden he eyes a mass grouping of dianthus and starts putting just the pink flowers in the cart. He then adds the cosmos which were in shades of pink and white. With the biggest grin on his face; he eyes the table of zinnias and goes for all the pink ones. 

This collection was picked by him:

All planted now!

My front yard - The design process

I've looked for landscape design tools and either they cost tons of money or theyre crap so I used good ole powerpoint and came up with this:
I havent figured out what to plant yet. Waiting on the rain to stop before I go to the garden center for my continued research.

As of now this is what I am thinking:

1. Leave the 2 plants closest to the walkway as is cos theyre pretty and the left one hides the hose pipe. I think it's a cleyera. I know it's a cleyera.
2. Plant 2 knockouts in front of the cleyera
3. Plant some kind of a low creeping evergreen in front of the knockouts. Maybe even artemesia powis castle
4. In front of that will be the seasonal color bed. Verbenas and euphorbia
5. Under the window would be 2 -3 pittosporum
6. The camellia nuccio's gem would move from the pot in the entry to the brick wall between the master and dining room window.
7. 3 youpon hollies would go in front of thecamellia
8. Under the 3 windows would go dwarf burford hollies or boxwoods or lorepetlum
9. My peony's would have to be divided so that I have 3 and they would be planted in front of the burfords
10. remove the large burford and replace with dunno what yet.
11. In front I want barberry

The colors of the blossoms 
Knockout redrazz - Hot Pink
Crepe myrtle - Bright pink
Camellia Japonica Nuccios Gem - white
Peony - baby pink

I am going with a pink and white theme partly becasue i love the pink in the knock and also the existing crepe myrtle is pink and i love my white camellia

This is what I want....

I've been working on redesigning my front landscape for a couple of years now. Last year driving past this house I did a double take becasue of how pretty the front yard looked. I took a picture with my cell phone and it has now become my inspiration piece.

This is what I want my front yard to look like:
This is what My house looks like right now:

This is a mock up of my house with what I want:
Pretty huh? 

Not afraid of worms

The spring gardening bug struck again. A trip that meant to see what the garden stores had in stock ended up with me buying this collection:

Creeping Phlox - clearance 99 cents (the pink flowers)
Dwarf Coreopsis - 1.99 (yellow flowers)
Geranium - orange sunset something - clearance 1.49 
Dwarf lilly orange and yellow - clearance 99 cents
Hibiscus yellow and double dip but the tag said coral something - 7 buks each

Ok so I start digging the holes for this collection and every time I dig a hole I see tons of worms...eeeeewwwwwww. I plan a few then decide to move to another area. Same thing..worms galore. yes I know it's a good thing to have so many worms but I find my self repeating...not scared of worms as I dig away.