Camellia Nuccio's Gem - Possibly the most perfect shaped white flower I've ever seen. Pure white and spanning 4 inches across; flowers December to February. 

The price tag nearly knocked me out but I had to have the plant. I potted it in a brand new container of course. It grows between 6 and 8 feet tall but I'll keep it pruned to not spread too much. I'll have to watch it like a hawk in the Dallas summer heat and in the winter I may need to wrap it in a blanket on nights the temps go below freezing. Note to self not to prune from June to September as this is when the flowers are formed. 

Camellia Japonica Nuccio's Gem - founded in 1970 by Nuccio's nursery in Altemeda, CA.
Bought it - February 2009
Location: East facing under porch. Sheilded by brick pillar. 

The list

  1. Rows of lavender
  2. Armfuls of peonies
  3. Mmmmm the smell of a plumeria lei
  4. Sunflowers peeking over the fence
  5. Passionfruit and lemon pepper salt
  6. Fuscias like they grow in Leeds
  7. Tuberose in my hair
  8. Pop those Impatience pods
  9. Insalata Caprise..yumm
  10. A living fence
  11. How to knot a garden
  12. Ivy topiaries Smith & Hawken style
  13. Making daisy chains
  14. Strawberries and cream
  15. Minty fresh lemonade
  16. My rose garden
  17. From the tropics
  18. Butterflies everywhere
  19. Hummingbird in my garden
  20. Make a cup of chai
  21. Flowers at that blah time of the year - Camellias
  22. Flowers every month
  23. Under the porch
  24. Corn on the cob Zambian style
  25. Lilac dreams
  26. Watch them climb
  27. Chelsea Flower Show
  28. Lychee love
  29. Dahlias as big as plates
  30. Rose parade
  31. Proteas 
  32. English country garden
  33. Birdie bath time
  34. Tulips & Windmills
  35. The underwater garden
  36. Rainforest
  37. Divide & Conquer
  38. My grandad was a farmer
  39. A mothers green thumb