So two weeks ago purchased two potted peonies at North Haven Gardens for 37 buks a piece. They both had buds on them. Lats weekend I ended up breaking off one of the buds as it looked like it was going to drop off and I expected all the others to look the same. Well 2 days ago I was very surprised by 2 gorgeous blooms.
Inspecteur Lavergne Peony
So two weeks ago purchased two potted peonies at North Haven Gardens for 37 buks a piece. They both had buds on them. Lats weekend I ended up breaking off one of the buds as it looked like it was going to drop off and I expected all the others to look the same. Well 2 days ago I was very surprised by 2 gorgeous blooms.
Itea "Little Henry"
Let's talk peonies!
I have purchases and planted 3 more peonies this year.
The Front Yard is falling in place
Hanging Baskets
no vegetables in my garden!!
Back yard patio pots
So this year I have put in ...rephrase...dear hubby has put in a drip irrigation system. After researching many companies, I decided to go with Mr Dig at Home Depot. The kits is $12 and we needed extra tubing which cost $4. Will need a timer later but wally world has a cheap one. I don't need a Lexus of timers...just need a cheap one that works.
Now for the pots at the base of the pillars. I pulled out the petunia and was surprised to see BOTH passies growing back. I moved the Incarta to a trellis next to the fig tree (it has never flowered..maybe this year is it's lucky year) The Incense has been potted. Going to baby it a bit and see if I can get it to florish elsewhere in the garden as I really do love the flower and fragrance of it. So the pots now hold mandeville crimson parasol. I have a temp tepee for support. Going to look for a tuteur for it. At the base of the pot, I've planted another Euphorbia. Well with all the fuss this plant is getting I thought I would give it a couple of places to live.
Clematis are blooming
Been busy admiring all the huge clematis blooms I have. I spent last weekend restringing the supports for the clematis as my Dr Ruppel was growing like ground cover and not vertical. It's still recovering from the neglect with a lot of the leaves and blossoms turned inwards.
The Pink Garden
My front yard - The design process
I've looked for landscape design tools and either they cost tons of money or theyre crap so I used good ole powerpoint and came up with this:

This is what I want....
This is what I want my front yard to look like:

Not afraid of worms
Creeping Phlox - clearance 99 cents (the pink flowers)
The list
- Rows of lavender
- Armfuls of peonies
- Mmmmm the smell of a plumeria lei
- Sunflowers peeking over the fence
- Passionfruit and lemon pepper salt
- Fuscias like they grow in Leeds
- Tuberose in my hair
- Pop those Impatience pods
- Insalata Caprise..yumm
- A living fence
- How to knot a garden
- Ivy topiaries Smith & Hawken style
- Making daisy chains
- Strawberries and cream
- Minty fresh lemonade
- My rose garden
- From the tropics
- Butterflies everywhere
- Hummingbird in my garden
- Make a cup of chai
- Flowers at that blah time of the year - Camellias
- Flowers every month
- Under the porch
- Corn on the cob Zambian style
- Lilac dreams
- Watch them climb
- Chelsea Flower Show
- Lychee love
- Dahlias as big as plates
- Rose parade
- Proteas
- English country garden
- Birdie bath time
- Tulips & Windmills
- The underwater garden
- Rainforest
- Divide & Conquer
- My grandad was a farmer
- A mothers green thumb